How To Start A Bad Day Over

 "It was the most fun I've had in my career," Daly said, fighting back tears of profound disappointment, "until that fourth run."

      Those are the words of John Daly, an Olympic athlete competing in the men's Skeleton event at the Sochi Russia games. Happiness turned to tears in just a few short minutes when Daly took his final run in his attempt for an Olympic medal. If you witnessed his race, you will know that things went wrong right from the start. The blades of Daly's sled jumped out of the tracks as he was just beginning his race and his hopes were dashed before he had hardly started.

       Did you have ever have days like that? It seems that your day is going to be disappointing before you are out the door in the morning. You say something sharp to a family member. You are filled with worry. You grumble or complain. You have an argument in the car on the way to school, work, or church. This is not going to be a good day!

       We always need to be aware of something that can help us get back on track quickly when the day begins bad spiritually. It is a simple principle that we need to understand even when the morning starts perfectly. Our relationship with God, our acceptance and approval in His sight, will always be grounded in what Jesus Christ has done for us. We will always feel like we are on an emotional spiritual roller coaster as long as our hopes are rooted in our performance. The clear teaching of the Scriptures is that our Saviour has fully satisfied the righteous requirements of God for our lives. Our progress as a Christian is completely possible because God's view of us never changes. He always sees us as righteous in Christ.

       Therefore, a very helpful verse to keep in mind as you live your day by day life is Colossians 2:6.
Paul encourages the Christians of the early church by writing "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him." One way to restate this verse would be this: You came to Jesus completely helpless and in need of His saving work. Keep coming to Him this way.
Maybe this quote by the famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon, will make it clearer:
"Every day I find it most healthy to my own soul to try and walk as a saint, but in order to do so, I must continually come to Christ as a sinner. I would seek to be perfect. I would strain after every virtue, and forsake every false way. But still, as to my standing before God, I find it happiest to sit where I sat when first I looked to Jesus, on the rock of His works, having nothing to do with my own righteousness, but only with His.

Depend on it, dear Friends, the happiest way of living is to live as a poor sinner, and as nothing at all—having Jesus Christ as All in All. You may have all your growths in sanctification, all your progress in graces, all the development of your virtues that you will. But still I do earnestly pray you never to put any of these where Christ should be. If you have begun in Christ, then finish in Christ. If you have begun in the flesh, and then go on in the flesh, we know what the sure result will be. But if you have begun with Jesus Christ as your Alpha, let Him be your Omega."— Charles Spurgeon


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